Learn about Surrey's zoning bylaws and how they affect your building and property plans or structure.
Every property in the City of Surrey is assigned a zone. These zones are regulated in the Zoning Bylaw 12000 and the Zoning Bylaw 12000 Schedules.
Use COSMOS, the City's online mapping system, to find your zoning category and corresponding bylaws.
Zoning bylaws tell you information about your property, such as:
- the types of buildings allowed;
- the size of building allowed;
- the permitted use of the building on the property;
- the amount of off-street parking you need; and
- setbacks (distance from property lines).
Zoning Bylaw documents
Additional restrictions or charges
In addition to consulting Zoning Bylaws, check with the Land Title Office for other restrictions or charges. These include design guidelines, easements, right of way and restrictive covenants. Your land use plan must follow all applicable land use bylaws.
Building a residential structure
Check the steps and permits you need before building a new residential structure in the City of Surrey. There may be different regulations and procedures to build a new structure.
Building a secondary suite
Confirm what you need to know before you build or install a secondary suite.
Building a basement home
Your home can have an in-ground basement if the service connections are deep enough to allow below grade construction and you are able to secure a gravity storm service connection. Contact your designer or engineer for this information.
Residential fencing
The height and material of your fence need to follow zoning bylaws. A detailed definition of allowed fencing can be found in the Zoning Bylaws under Section 4, General Provisions. Some design guidelines and development permits can have additional impact on the bylaw.
Rezoning your property
Proposed development or a change in use of existing buildings on a property may require you to rezone your property.
Future development potential
Developers need approval to develop land in Surrey. Land use policies and development requirements are set out in the Official Community Plan and for some areas, a more detailed approved Secondary Land Use Plans.
Property lines
Lot boundaries and property lines are determined by the Land Survey Act of British Columbia. The City may have a copy of your survey certificate. To find and order a copy, use the Building Records Search. If a copy does not exist, contact the Land Titles Office.
Board of variance
Separate from the development application process, you may apply to the Board of Variance for a minor variance from the Zoning Bylaw. A minor variance may be permitted relating to siting, size or dimensions of buildings where it is determined compliance with the by-law would cause an undue hardship.
For all Zoning Bylaw questions, call 604-591-4086 or email planningdevelopment@surrey.ca.